Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Leaving America

So, I'm going to Korea for a year. Those that know me know there is a lot of crap going on in my life . . . mainly a divorce with a nasty child custody battle. I love my kids and hate to be away from them so long, especially knowing what I know about the whole situation. In that light, I have mixed emotions about leaving. On the one hand, I'm going to miss my kids terribly. On the other hand, I'm glad to be going just to get away from my ex.

I tried to get this whole custody issue settled before I left but she wasn't willing to cooperate. Now, everything is up in the air for another year. No healing can take place for either of us. Not true healing anyway. It's like a scab you just keep picking at. Only this scab is going to be there for a whole year. Everytime I call to talk to the kids or see her on webcam or hear her voice or anything else remotely related to her, I will remember that the divorce isn't over, she won't settle, she's trying to take my kids away from me. Picking at the scab. Making the wounds worse. Deepening the resentment. Widening the gap. Driving a wedge. Pick your cliché.

So, I'm happy to be going just to get away from her.

So, I'm disgusted with her attitude.

So, I'm going to miss my kids.

I'm leaving America and I won't be back for at least six months. I thank God that he loves my kids more than I do!